Hwa Tsang Buddhist Monastery 華藏寺

University Buddhist Societies 大學佛教社團

Since Venerable Tsang Hui’s arrival in Australia, he had been enthusiastically encouraging the establishment of student Buddhist societies. He sees this as an important approach to promote Buddhism amongst the intellectuals and help make Buddhist teachings accessible. With encouragement from Venerable Tsang Hui, the first Buddhist society on an Australian campus was established, the University of New South Wales Buddhist Society (UNIBUDS), in 1981. The Venerable gave Dharma teachings at the university every week.

After Unibuds, societies were also founded in other universities including University of Sydney (UNIBODHI), Macquarie University (MACBUDDHI), Newcastle University, and University of Technology. These Buddhist societies gave students the opportunity to learn about the teachings of the Buddha on campus. Venerable Tsang Hui was also invited as a patron for UNIBUDS, UNIBODHI and MACBUDDHI.

Presently, the venerables from Hwa Tsang Monastery has continued to conduct Dharma and meditation classes on campus on a regular basis. Our present Abbess, Venerable Neng Rong, is also the appointed Buddhist Chaplain of the University of New South Wales (UNSW), University of Sydney (USYD), and Macquarie University.
For more information about the activities of these Buddhist Societies, please refer to their Facebook and social media platforms; or make enquiries with Venerable Neng Rong.

UNSW Buddhist Society (UNIBUDS) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unibuds/
UNSW Buddhist Chaplaincy
Email: n.rong@unsw.edu.au

USYD Buddhist Society (UNIBODHI) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unibodhi/
USYD Buddhist Chaplaincy
Email: n.rong@chaplain.usyd.edu.au

Macquarie University Buddhist Chaplaincy
Email: neng-rong.shi@mq.edu.au

為了將佛教傳入知識界,幫助佛法的普及,從開始來澳洲, 上藏下慧法師即積極鼓勵大學佛學社團的成立。在法師的努力推動下,1981年,成立了新南威爾斯大學慧命社,並每周風雨無阻地到大學給同學們開示佛法。慧命社乃第一所在澳洲大學校園內的佛學社。在悉尼, 續慧命社之後,新南威爾斯州之悉尼大學、紐卡素大學、麥覺理大學、科技大學等大學的佛學社也相繼成立,為大學內的同學製造了學佛的因緣。上藏下慧法師乃新南威爾斯大學、悉尼大學及麥覺理大學佛學社之導師。目前,華藏寺的法師依然定期到各大學佛學社為同學們講解佛法,指導靜坐。本寺現任住持能融法師亦為新南威爾斯大學, 悉尼大學及麥覺理大學之佛教宗教顧問。有關大學佛學社活動的更多資訊,敬請瀏覽各佛學社之臉書或社交媒體平台; 或向能融法師詢問。